Designs that work-for you.
A typical design for a residential property can take several hours. You must obtain a plot plan or physically take the measurements, obtain meter/pump information, static pressure, size and type of service line, change in elevation and obtain city requirements. all this is just the beginning. this is just when the fun starts. now you must implement and apply all this info and somehow come up with a working sprinkler. think of all the cost associated with these task alone. Time is money. " I remember coming home after a 12 hour day knowing that i was going to spend the next several hours doing designs. not one of my favorite memories." with the new law requiring a licensed irrigator or installer on site as of January 2010 The saying "time is money" will never be more true. What do you charge for a service call? now take that and figure how many hours it takes to do a design. Compare this to the cost of a typical design from scapegreen. do the math. designs that work-for you! Thats what we have been saying.